VAT Services
VAT, introduced in the UK on 1 April 1973, was initially touted as a simple tax on consumption. Fifty years later, the same cannot be said; VAT has become a complex and often misunderstood tax with many pitfalls. As a small business, navigating the intricacies of VAT can be terrifying, time-consuming, and potentially costly if not appropriately handled. That’s where our expertise comes in.
We offer practical VAT services tailored to the needs of small businesses. Our team deeply understands the VAT challenges faced by small businesses and has developed effective strategies to help you save money and remain compliant. We have a proven track record of successfully managing VAT for our clients.
We have designed our VAT services to simplify the process for you. We can help you determine whether your business needs to register for VAT, assist with the registration process, and advise on the most suitable VAT scheme for your specific circumstances. Whether it is Flat rate scheme, Retail scheme or Margin Scheme, we can analyse your data and guide you in making an informed decision that benefits your business.
We also offer ongoing support to ensure you’re making the most of the available VAT relief opportunities. Our team can help you identify goods and services eligible for zero-rating or exemption, saving you money on your VAT liabilities.
Proper record-keeping is crucial for VAT compliance, and we can assist you in maintaining adequate VAT records. We assist our clients with systems to record, report and store VAT information, helping them avoid common pitfalls that could lead to non-compliance and penalties.
Our VAT services are tailored to suit the needs of small businesses. We offer a pragmatic approach, focusing on saving you money, simplifying the VAT process, and ensuring you remain compliant.
With our help, you can have confidence in your VAT management, allowing you to focus on what you do best – running and growing your business.
how can we help you?
Contact us at the Abacus Accountants and submit a business inquiry online.
I’ve been using Abacus for nearly 7 years. The work they do is absolutely professional, outstanding and so honest. I couldn’t find a better people to do the same job for my business. I have never ever had problems with them they always submitted my documents on time to the government offices. Highly recommended